Saturday, January 1, 2011

Coming soon!

New year, new..... Hmmmm. So many things to choose from! Seems like so many things in my life need, shall we say, "revamping'. From the physical to the spiritual. From emotional to things more tangible. I think, however, I better start with something simple:) . I simply MUST do something about my craft areas! And I do mean areaS. Right now my craft supplies are spread out in no fewer than four locations in my house. Our house is very small, and five of us live here. That means I have no dedicated crafting area. Whenever the mood strikes, I spread out all over the table in our eat-in kitchen. This doesn't bother me too much, but then I have to spend half my time running between the bedroom closet, laundry room cupboard, and the garage, oh, and I mustn't forget my "overflow" space- the top of the dryer! I am forever stashing stuff here and there and I inevitably forget where I stuck my new stash of vintage buttons or that thrifted frame.. SO number one on my TO DO list, sort, clean and organize my supplies! I'll be posting pictures soon of the before, so all of you can be properly amazed by the after. Until then, wish me luck!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why did God make Fire ants?

Well, as a transplanted Northerner, I've become accustomed to most things here in TX and actually enjoy living here. I like the fact that you can walk into Walmart on some random day of the week and see a real cowboy, wranglers, boots and stetson -just grocery shopping. I like that my kids can play outside year round, I have wonderful friends, a job I love, and I can (barely) tolerate the summer. But one thing I just HATE are the dang fire ants! I cleaned out two small flower beds yesterday and have no fewer than 15 ant bites on my ankles. I always tell my kids that there is a purpose for all of God's creatures, but I'm not so sure about the stupid fire ants! I mean in Michigan we had ants, sure, even carpentar ants that would eat your house, but they didn't bite you! And it HURTS! How can something so tiny hurt so much??? Now I have the blisters that come after the bite and they are ITCHY!! Waa Waa Waa.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


What happened to the idea of the weekend being devoted to leisure? Was that just cause I was a kid? I mean I distinctly remember a time when I was actually BORED on the weekends. Not anymore. We had three things to do today, plus work. UGH Tomorrow, Sunday, "day of rest"- we will go to church and then we have basketball awards for ds8. It will be fun, but I'll go into Monday feeling like I didn't have a day off!!! I'd really like to escape for about a week and just sit by the water somewhere and do NOTHING but maybe read- oh, and do that BY MYSELF!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Clean House!

What is it about a clean house that is so thrilling to a women? Or maybe it's just me:) I scrubbed, straightened and polished all day Wednesday (my day "off") . Then at three I sat down with a sigh, and looked around. I felt exhausted, and thrilled. I LOVE how a clean house looks and smells. I picked up my kids from school at 3:15 and by 3;30 when I looked around again all I saw was shoes, backpacks, books, binders, lunchboxes, socks and dry grass drug in from outside. Now the only clean place left in the house is the oven that I so dilligently scrubbed and that will only last as long as I hold off cooking in it. Oh well, I'm thankful for my happy, healthy, messy kids!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What? ME blog?

It's official, I've joined the ranks of the bloggers! Odd, seeing as how just a few months ago I had no idea what a blog was. That is how tech savvy I am-NOT! (yesI'm dating myself using that phrase). I've become a huge blog reader of late. I love the ones where people talk about their cute kids and I love love the shabby chic, decorating, thrifting blogs. But I've asked myself, who would possibly be interested in anything you have to say? Well, probably noone:) But this will be a banner year in my life- My twins will turn 13 (GASP) and I will turn 40 (BIG GASP!!) . So, I figure some interesting things are bound to happen in the next few months. So, for anyone who cares, stay tuned to find out what happens when middle age and teen age collide!