Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why did God make Fire ants?

Well, as a transplanted Northerner, I've become accustomed to most things here in TX and actually enjoy living here. I like the fact that you can walk into Walmart on some random day of the week and see a real cowboy, wranglers, boots and stetson -just grocery shopping. I like that my kids can play outside year round, I have wonderful friends, a job I love, and I can (barely) tolerate the summer. But one thing I just HATE are the dang fire ants! I cleaned out two small flower beds yesterday and have no fewer than 15 ant bites on my ankles. I always tell my kids that there is a purpose for all of God's creatures, but I'm not so sure about the stupid fire ants! I mean in Michigan we had ants, sure, even carpentar ants that would eat your house, but they didn't bite you! And it HURTS! How can something so tiny hurt so much??? Now I have the blisters that come after the bite and they are ITCHY!! Waa Waa Waa.

1 comment:

  1. Tam,

    I am loving the blog. And ouchie, hope those fire ants are leaving you alone. Yes, I am thinking Michigan is a good place to live.
